Atletas Juegos Olímpicos Londres 2012 ( Atletismo )
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce

Atleta de Jamaica, nació en Kingston (Jamaica) el 27/12/1986. Actualmente tiene 26 años de edad. Participa en Atletismo.
Medallas obtenidas por Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce en Londres 2012:
9 Comentarios sobre Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce:
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce: 4.0 de 5.0 basado en 6 votos en 9 comentarios.

Daniel Hernandez
5 de agosto de 2012 a las 07:08 AM BST
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce es lo maximo felicitaciones por tu oro olimpico!!

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7 de agosto de 2012 a las 12:39 AM BST
woaw Shelly felicitaciones :D estoy super k alegre por ti .. siempre seguire apoyandote en las buenas y en la malas

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Jose Marimon
8 de agosto de 2012 a las 03:25 AM BST
congratulations i´m from colombia you are the best i wiil wait know you some day. OK

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Byron Jose Vicente Pacay
8 de agosto de 2012 a las 06:38 PM BST
eres la mejor de el mundo espero que sigas teniendo muchas victorias y pronto oirán mi nombre en los juegos olímpicos que se les quede: BYRON PACAY hasta luego te quiero shely SOY TU FAN No. 1 chaito

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12 de agosto de 2012 a las 06:04 PM BST
increible Shelly-Ann Fraser Pryce es la atleta que mas admiro desde las olimpiadas de pekin,,felicidades por tu medalla de oro y tus dos platas,,pero sobre todo felicidades por la sonrisa que tienes,ilumina todo el estadio,no la pierdas nunca wapísima.

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21 de diciembre de 2012 a las 06:20 AM GMT
This is a real customer riveew retrieved from by Mark Baker for Rating: Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler) is the maintenance man at a luxury hotel in Los Angeles. True, when his father sold the location to hotel mogul Barry Nottingham (Richard Giffiths), Barry promised to make Skeeter the manager when he grew up. But that's never happened. And now Barry has plans to build an even bigger hotel in the area and make Kendall (Guy Pearce) the manager.Meanwhile, Skeeter's sister calls. Wendy (Courtney Cox) needs Skeeter to watch her two kids while she is out of town looking for a new job. Skeeter hasn't had any contact with them for four years, but he agrees.That night, he tells the kids a bedtime story that gets pretty crazy. And yet the next day, it seems to come true. Excited, Skeeter can't wait for the next bedtime story. Has he figured out a way to make his every wish come true or is something else at work here?I'm not normally an Adam Sandler fan, but the previews for this movie intrigued me so much, I just had to see it. And I'm glad I did. There were laughs all the way through. In fact, I'd say the best laughs weren't spoiled in the previews. Bugsy, the hamster, has some hilarious antics. And the story gets so crazy at times you can't help but laugh.Yet the laughs are supported by a decent story. Yes, the broad outline is predictable, but the journey to the end is fun, so you really don't care. Beside, the kids add a few random plot points to the film, which keep things from being too stale.The stories that Skeeter tells vary greatly in location. I was actually surprised at just how elaborate those sets were. They didn't spare any expense with this film.My only complaint is what appears to be a dropped plot point. It was a sub-plot, but I really was looking for it to be paid off.But that is a minor complaint. This is a fun film that left me with a smile on my face. It should entertain kids of all ages.

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5 de agosto de 2014 a las 06:47 PM BST
62gQZ5 Awesome blog post. Cool.

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Mike Tyson
4 de marzo de 2017 a las 05:54 PM GMT
g1w9fI This is one awesome blog article. Awesome.

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